How to Create Make Your Own Playlists on Yoto

How to Create Your Own Playlists on Yoto

Creating personalized playlists on your Yoto account is a fantastic way to tailor audio experiences for your children. Whether it’s for bedtime stories, educational content, or travel entertainment, custom playlists, known as make your own playlists, can enhance your child’s Yoto experience. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, making it easy even if you’ve never used Yoto before.

Step 1: Set Up Your Yoto Account

Create an Account

  1. Visit the Yoto Website: Go to Yoto’s official website(US) or Yoto UK (UK).
  2. Sign Up: Click on the “Sign Up” button usually found at the top right corner of the homepage. Enter your email address and create a password. You can sign up and use Yoto and the playlists feature for free.
  3. Verify Your Email: Check your inbox for a verification email from Yoto and follow the instructions to verify your account.

Log In

  1. Log In to Your Account: After verifying your email, log in to your Yoto account using the credentials you just created.

Step 2: Prepare Your Audio Files

Choose Your Audio Content

  1. Select Audio Files: Decide which audio files you want to include in your playlist. These can be MP3 files of stories, music, educational content, or even custom recordings.
  2. Organize Files: Create a folder on your computer where you can store all the audio files for your playlist. This makes it easier to upload them later.

Ensure Compatibility

  1. File Format: Ensure all your audio files are in MP3 format, as Yoto primarily supports this format for custom content.

Step 3: Access the Yoto App

Download the Yoto App

  1. Download: Get the Yoto app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Install: Follow the prompts to install the app on your device.

Log In to the App

How to make your own Yoto playlists in the Yoto app or on your online account.
  1. Open the App: Launch the Yoto app on your device.
  2. Log In: Use your Yoto account credentials to log in.

You will be brought to the screen on the left. If you have any physical cards this is where you will see them saved as your ‘library.’

Step 4: Upload Your Audio Files To A Playlist

Navigate to Make Your Own Cards

Access MYO Section: In the Yoto app, navigate to the “Make Your Own” (MYO) section. This is usually found in the main menu or settings.

The screen to the right will open up and you’ll be able to choose an artwork for the playlist, give the playlist a name and also add a description if you want to. After this you’ll be given the option to upload audio files.

Make your own yoto playlist in the Yoto app.

Upload Audio Files To A Playlist

  1. Upload Files: Click on the option to upload audio files. You can select multiple files at once from the folder you organized earlier.
  2. Name Your Files: Give each file a meaningful name that will help you identify them when creating your playlist.

Once you have added some files to your playlist, you’ll be able to navigate to the playlist and the screen will look something like the picture on the right. You’ll be able to add more audio, edit the playlist information, share the playlist and link it to a card. Linking it to a card means you’ll put a blank make your own playlist card into the Yoto player and it will write the audio to the card. When you have done this the card can be used in the player without internet.

You can also play the playlist without writing it to a card if you have internet. You simply click the “Play this on” option at the bottom and change “This Phone” to your Yoto player.

A yoto make your own playlist.
Make your own playlists on the Yoto player

There should be a pop-up like the picture on the left once you click “This Phone” and change it to the Yoto player that is linked to the account.

If you don’t have a Yoto player you can play it via a phone or tablet. We have the same account logged in on iPads, iPhones and Android devices.

Customize the Playlist

  1. Edit Details: You can edit details such as the playlist cover image and description to make it visually appealing and easy to recognize. On a desktop it is easier to change the images and you can add absolutely anything – which is much better for making the playlists visually appealing and easy for children to understand what they are from one image.
  2. Save: Save your playlist once you’re happy with the setup.

Step 5: Use Your Playlist

Play Your Playlist

  1. Access on Yoto Player: Once synced, your playlist should appear in the MYO section on your Yoto player. You can now use this any time you want from your account. Even if you get a new phone these playlists will still exist when you log back in to your Yoto account.
  2. Enjoy: Select your playlist and enjoy the custom audio experience you’ve created for your child.

Tips for Creating Effective Playlists

Theme Your Playlists

  • Bedtime Stories: Create a playlist of calming stories to help your child wind down at night.
  • Educational Content: Include educational audio files for learning on the go.
  • Travel Entertainment: Compile fun and engaging stories or music to keep your child entertained during travel.

Update Regularly

  • Add New Content: Regularly update your playlists with new audio files to keep the content fresh and engaging.
  • Get Feedback: Ask your child for feedback on what they enjoy and adjust the playlists accordingly.
  • Change The Order Of Audio: Yoto will play the first audio file when you go to the playlist, if you want the child to be able to listen to different audio files without playing with the device (e.g. bedtime) you may want to change the order of the audio files to mix it up a little for them.

Make It Personal

  • Custom Recordings: Consider adding custom recordings of your voice reading stories or leaving messages. This adds a personal touch that your child will love. I recorded myself reading a story about a dinosaur with autism and Travis LOVED it. The way he reacted when he realised it was my voice still makes me smile.
  • Get family involved: You can also ask family members to record stories and send the files over for you to add to your Yoto playlist. I recommend saving the files elsewhere so you have access to them rather than recording them from within the Yoto app because if they are in the app they can’t be taken out of the app.

Backup Your Playlists

  • Save Copies: Keep copies of your playlists and audio files on your computer or cloud storage to ensure you don’t lose them.

Creating your own playlists on Yoto is a fantastic way to customize your child’s audio experience, making travel and daily routines more enjoyable and educational. By following these steps, you can easily set up and manage playlists that cater to your child’s interests and needs. Enjoy!