First Bus ‘Extra Help To Travel’ Cards

In an effort to make public transport more inclusive, First Bus has introduced the Extra Help to Travel Cards, designed to assist passengers who may require additional support during their journeys. These cards offer a simple yet effective way to discreetly communicate needs to bus drivers, ensuring that all passengers can travel with greater confidence and ease.

Here’s everything you need to know about these cards, who they are for, and how they’ve evolved since their relaunch.

What Are First Bus ‘Help to Travel’ Cards?

The First Bus Help to Travel Cards are small, easy-to-use cards designed for passengers who may need assistance or understanding from the bus driver during their journey. The cards feature a series of pre-written messages that passengers can show the driver when they board, allowing them to communicate any additional support they require quickly and without having to explain themselves verbally.

These cards can include a variety of messages, such as:

  • Please be patient, I am hard of hearing.
  • Please wait for me to sit down.
  • I may need extra help to find a seat.
  • Please let me know when we arrive at _________.

By showing one of these cards to the driver, passengers with visible or invisible disabilities can travel with more peace of mind, knowing that their needs will be understood without the pressure of verbal communication.

Who Are the ‘Extra Help to Travel’ Cards For?

The Help to Travel Cards are primarily designed for individuals who may face challenges when using public transport, including:

  • People with Disabilities: Whether the disability is visible or not, these cards offer support for passengers with mobility issues, hearing or visual impairments, cognitive disabilities, or conditions such as anxiety that can make verbal communication difficult.
  • Older Adults: Elderly passengers who need extra time boarding, finding a seat, or getting off the bus can use the cards to alert the driver to their specific needs.
  • Individuals with Learning Difficulties: For passengers who may struggle with communication, the cards provide a discreet and non-verbal way of asking for help or explaining their needs.
  • People with Temporary Injuries or Conditions: If you are recovering from surgery or a temporary injury that affects your mobility or communication, these cards can also be a valuable tool.

How Have the Extra Help to Travel Cards Changed After Their Relaunch?

The First Bus Help to Travel Cards were originally introduced as a means to help passengers with various accessibility needs. However, after receiving feedback and recognizing the diverse range of passengers using public transport, First Bus relaunched the cards with some important updates to make them even more effective.

Here are the key changes after the relaunch:

Expanded Range of Messages

Initially, the cards featured a limited number of messages, mainly focused on mobility and physical impairments. After the relaunch, the range of available messages has been expanded to cater to a broader array of needs, including cognitive disabilities, mental health conditions, and non-visible disabilities. This ensures that more people can benefit from the service.

Examples of new messages include:

  • Please talk slowly, I am hard of hearing.
  • Please tell me when we get to [destination].
  • Please be direct, I am autistic.

More Inclusive Design

The design of the cards has been updated to be more inclusive and easier to use. The relaunch focused on making the text clearer, with a more accessible font and larger print, so that passengers can easily find the card that suits their needs. Additionally, the cards now feature a friendly and approachable layout, making them feel less clinical and more like a helpful, everyday tool.

Customizable Options

One of the major updates is the customizable feature that allows passengers to write their own specific requests if none of the pre-printed options fit their situation. This flexibility makes the cards more personalized and adaptable to a wider range of users.

Increased Awareness Among Drivers

As part of the relaunch, First Bus has increased training for drivers to ensure they are more familiar with the Extra Help to Travel Cards. This has led to a better understanding of how to respond to passengers who use the cards, improving the overall experience for users.

Drivers are now better trained to recognize the cards and provide a considerate response, whether it’s offering extra time, making sure passengers are seated before driving, or providing directions and assistance when needed.

Digital Access to the Cards

In the digital age, accessibility must extend beyond physical items, so First Bus has made it easier to download and print Extra Help to Travel Cards from their website. This allows passengers to access the cards quickly, whether they need one for the first time or want to update their cards with new, more relevant information. The flexibility of being able to print cards at home makes them more convenient and accessible to all.

The Impact of the Help to Travel Cards

The relaunch of the First Bus Extra Help to Travel Cards has had a positive impact on passengers who may feel anxious or unsure about using public transport. By giving individuals the power to communicate their needs discreetly, the cards promote inclusivity, ensuring that everyone can access public transport with dignity and respect.

For many, the cards have been life-changing, allowing them to navigate their journeys with greater ease and confidence. Passengers no longer need to worry about explaining their situation to a driver or asking for help multiple times; instead, they can show the card and focus on their journey.

The cards also demonstrate a commitment from First Bus to create a more compassionate, understanding environment for all passengers. By raising awareness and providing these essential tools, First Bus is taking a step towards making public transport more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

How to Get Your Extra Help to Travel Cards

Getting a First Bus Extra Help to Travel Card is easy. You can download the cards to print here: Extra Help to Travel Cards printable.

Whether you’re a regular public transport user or just an occasional rider, these cards offer an invaluable resource for ensuring your journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible.