Destination Specific PECS Cards

Destination specific PECS cards are a game-changer when it comes to travelling with autistic children. PECS cards are a fantastic way to introduce a new place or concept to someone with autism, and by making cards specific to a certain destination, I hope I can make your trip with your autistic child just a little bit easier.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is a place you’d like me to add. Right now I am simply adding more based on the articles I am writing about different places with autistic children – and I am basing those articles off of my own personal history of travelling with autism. But, I am more than happy to pause that to create you destination specific PECS cards if you need them for a trip. Simply reach out to me on Instagram or by email: I am more likely to pick up an Instagram DM much more quickly because it pings to my phone and even my watch.

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