Using Books To Introduce Travel To Autistic People

Introducing new concepts to autistic individuals can be greatly enhanced through the use of books, pictures, and stories. These tools provide visual and narrative structures that help in understanding and processing new information. It is already widely accepted that the use of social stories and picture information cards can be extremely beneficial to prepare autistic people for new things. I also think that we can use story books with pictures in them to help autistic people prepare for travel and trips. Here’s why they are effective:

Why Books, Pictures, and Stories are Important

Visual Learning

Autistic individuals often benefit from visual learning. Pictures and illustrations can convey information more effectively than words alone, helping them grasp new concepts and ideas.

Predictability and Structure

Stories and books provide a structured and predictable format, which can be comforting and easier to process for autistic children. Knowing what to expect reduces anxiety and helps in better understanding.


Interactive and engaging stories can capture the interest of autistic children, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.


Books allow for repeated reading, which is crucial for reinforcement and understanding. Repetition helps in solidifying new concepts and ideas.

Social Stories

Social stories are a specific type of narrative that explains social situations and expectations in a clear, straightforward manner. They are particularly useful for autistic children to understand social cues and appropriate behaviours.

You can pick up so many kids travel books on eBay.

Using books, pictures and stories can be a really beneficial tool to introduce new ideas and concepts to autistic people, and travel is no different. Using books to introduce travel is a fun and interesting way to teach autistic people about a new place they will visit.

Another way we use stories to introduce travel to our autistic children is through their Yoto player.