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  • Singapore with Autistic Children

    Singapore with Autistic Children

    Exploring Singapore with autistic children can be an extremely enriching experience with the right planning and tools. Singapore is a vibrant, multicultural city-state known for its cleanliness, safety,…

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    4 min read

  • Ho Chi Minh City With Autistic Children

    Ho Chi Minh City With Autistic Children

    Exploring Ho Chi Minh City with autistic children could be very intimidating – especially with the chaotic travel situation. We really enjoyed Ho Chi Minh City, and I…

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    4 min read

  • Manila With Autistic Children

    Manila With Autistic Children

    Exploring Manila with autistic children can be a challenge. Planning well for your trip can help to make it more manageable. We flew into Manila in 2017 from…

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    4 min read

  • Hong Kong With Autistic Children

    Hong Kong With Autistic Children

    Exploring Hong Kong with autistic children can seem overwhelming – but if you think your child will cope there are certainly ways to make it more manageable. in…

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    4 min read

  • Chiang Mai With Autistic Children

    Chiang Mai With Autistic Children

    Exploring Chiang Mai with autistic children requires careful planning and organising to ensure the trip is a success and is as stress-free as possible. We spent an extended…

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    4 min read

  • Bangkok With Autistic Children

    Bangkok With Autistic Children

    Exploring Bangkok with autistic children requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. In 2016 we went on our first adventure to Bangkok, leaving Edinburgh leaving…

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    4 min read